Friday, May 20, 2016

The formation of a new solar system planets by a team of researchers ESO

Team astronomical telescope using the Atacama Large Millimeter Array / ALMA to see firsthand the new planet. They found evidence of a new planet forming around dust and gas. See the formation of a new planet is not possible without an instrument. With this discovery, could help scientists confirm theories about planet formation.

The planet is estimated to be around stars, including Earth, Mars and other stars around the sun. Although there are examples like our planet, but is still a planet formation theory.

Scientists simply hold to the theory that the planets formed from dust and gas remaining stars. And the impact on the surrounding environment of a solar system to form a planet.

How planet formation process significantly, it is sought after by a team of astronomers today. With ALMA telescope on Earth, one of the most sensitive teleksop and has the sharpest image. The team of scientists dedicated a new solar system and there just formed a new planet.

With the sharpness of the image, astronomers can peer from the disk material perputar easy turn of a star with a very much. And get directions to the birth of the planets.

Two questions need to be proven, what is known as disk (circle of dust and gas) that surrounds the star. Called transitional disk, usually has a smaller middle.
The first theory. Debuebu and gas tend to stay away from the center of the star and the wind pressure because of high radiation stars.
The second theory is the cause of the loss of dust and gas in the middle due to the birth of young newly-formed planet and move through the material there and then menyabu all the dust and gas clean up.

ESO team mapped the distribution of dust and gas in 4 disk transition. There was a significant decrease in the level of dust from the crack was observed, and a lot of accumulated gas. Gas diffusion in a new solar system is also different, having 1/3 gas dispersion smaller than dust particles.

As a result, when there is a large planet, may be formed to be several times the size of the planet Jupiter. The new planet's orbit will sweep the material and create a large channel around the disk.

So far the researchers were only able to see the formation of planets like the above information. Fore more powerful instruments are needed such as the new telescope of the belt being constructed.

As the first picture are two new solar system is being investigated.
Easy star named HD 135344B, and senior named DoAR45 (Orange). Blue image is the image of gas, in the middle of an empty parking expect the emergence of a new planet.
Pictures of the illustration of the solar system there, and the last image of the planet in the form of illustrations

Planet pembentukan tata surya baru menurut peneliti tim ESO


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